Peer-reviewed articles
Food web context modifies predator foraging and weakens trophic interaction strength
Ecology letters (2024)
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Measuring the Response Diversity of Ecological Communities Experiencing Multifarious Environmental Change
Global Change Biology (2024)
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Deforestation for agriculture increases microbial carbon use efficiency in subarctic soils
Biology and Fertility of Soils (2024)
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Dispersal syndromes in challenging environments: A cross-species experiment
Ecology Letters (25), 12 (2023)
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Constraining nonlinear time series modeling with the metabolic theory of ecology
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2023)
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Connecting higher-order interactions with ecological stability in experimental aquatic food webs
Ecology and Evolution (2023)
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Predicting effects of multiple interacting global change drivers across trophic levels
Global Change Biology (2023)
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Contrasting resistance and resilience to light variation of the coupled oxic and anoxic components of an experimental microbial ecosystem
Ecology & Evolution (12), 4 (2022)
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Soil nutrient content and water level variation drive mangrove forest aboveground biomass in the lagoonal ecosystem of Aldabra Atoll
Ecological Indicators (143) (2022)
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Forecasting in the face of ecological complexity: Number and strength of species interactions determine forecast skill in ecological communities
Ecology Letters (25), 9 (2022)
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How puzzles are shaping our understanding of biodiversity: A call for more research into biodiversity representation in educational games
GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society (31), 3 (2022)
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Refocusing multiple stressor research around the targets and scales of ecological impacts
Nature Ecology & Evolution (5), 11 (2021)
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A multidimensional approach to the expression of phenotypic plasticity
Functional Ecology, (34), 11 (2020)
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Species multidimensional effects explain idiosyncratic responses of communities to environmental change
Nature Ecology & Evolution, (4), 8 (2020)
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Testing multiple drivers of the temperature-size rule with nonlinear temperature increase
Functional Ecology, (34), 12 (2020)
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The interplay between movement, morphology and dispersal in Tetrahymena ciliates
PeerJ, (7) (2019)
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The intrinsic predictability of ecological time series and its potential to guide forecasting
Ecological Monographs, (89), 2 (2019)
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Warming can destabilize predator–prey interactions by shifting the functional response from Type III to Type II
Journal of Animal Ecology, (88), 10 (2019)
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Warming reduces the effects of enrichment on stability and functioning across levels of organisation in an aquatic microbial ecosystem
Ecology Letters, (22), 7 (2019)
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Biodiversity increases and decreases ecosystem stability
Nature, (563), 7729 (2018)
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Bottom-up and top-down control of dispersal across major organismal groups
Nature Ecology & Evolution, (2), 12 (2018)
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Linking intraspecific trait variation to community abundance dynamics improves ecological predictability by revealing a growth–defence trade-off
Functional Ecology, (32), 2 (2018)
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Characterizing change points and continuous transitions in movement behaviours using wavelet decomposition
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, (8), 9 (2017)
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Dynamic species classification of microorganisms across time, abiotic and biotic environments—A sliding window approach
PLoS ONE, (12), 5 (2017)
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Temporal scale dependent interactions between multiple environmental disturbances in microcosm ecosystems
Global Change Biology, (23), 12 (2017)
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The practice of prediction: What can ecologists learn from applied, ecology-related fields?
Ecological Complexity, (32), Part B (2017)
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Re: Chaos In A Long-Term Experiment With A Plankton Community
ReScience, (2), 1 (2016)
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BEMOVI, software for extracting behavior and morphology from videos, illustrated with analyses of microbes
Ecology and Evolution, (5), 13 (2015)
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Big answers from small worlds: a user's guide for protist microcosms as a model system in ecology and evolution
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, (6), 2 (2015)
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Developing and integrating advanced movement features improves automated classification of ciliate species
PLoS ONE, (10), 12 (2015)
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The ecological forecast horizon, and examples of its uses and determinants
Ecology Letters, (18), 7 (2015)
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Dispersal propensity in Tetrahymena thermophila ciliates—a reaction norm perspective
Evolution, (68), 8 (2014)
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Habitat requirements and dispersal ability of the Spanish Fritillary (Euphydryas desfontainii) in southern Portugal: evidence-based conservation suggestions for an endangered taxon
Journal of Insect Conservation, (18), 3 (2014)
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Swimming with ciliates: dispersal and movement ecology of Tetrahymena thermophila
PhD thesis, Université catholique de Louvain (2014)
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Implementing image analysis in laboratory-based experimental systems for ecology and evolution: a hands-on guide
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, (4), 5 (2013)
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The larval ecology of the butterfly Euphydryas desfontainii (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in SW-Portugal: food plant quantity and quality as main predictors of habitat quality
Journal of Insect Conservation, (17), 1 (2013)
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